
Archive for November, 2011

No Shave November Is Complete

Assuming I make it about five more hours, I will have accomplished the feat of not shaving during the entire month of November. The sweet irony of this achievement is that it actually took less effort to do than if I had lived a normal, clean-shaven November.

Another Dream I Had

A while back I dreamed that some guy was moving to Japan and wanted to trade me his car for Mildred (the “stunning silver” (Nissan’s name for the color) Altima that I drive). We made the deal, then I found out that his car ran on diesel, and I got really mad. But he was in Japan so I couldn’t do anything about it.

Backwards Is Blog Today’s

.got I’ve all that’s ,day wonderful a Have .backwards written is post today’s so good anything of think Couldn’t.

What Do I Do With An Old Car Battery?

I’ve got this old car battery I need to get rid of. I would throw it in the trash, but I don’t think you’re supposed to put car batteries in there, because it could explode and hurt a garbage man. There’s a pretty big river near here, as well as some ponds. Is it better to toss it into one of those, or leave it in a forest somewhere? If you know please help!

Drum Solo

Badass drum solo.


No Shave November Rages On

November 25, 2011 1 comment

I’m exhausted. My body aches. I can’t sleep at night. My beard appears to be sucking the life from my body. It’s growing stronger at the expense of my own strength. When I eat a sandwich, it’s really my beard eating a sandwich. The nutrients bypass my malnourished organs and are instead delivered to my facial hair. This beard has turned my own digestive system against me. I’ll be glad when I can get this thing off my face (that’s what she said).


I’m thankful for the Internet.


A few days ago, I saw an elderly Japanese couple doing karate in their driveway. It was awesome.

Categories: Postaday2011, Random Tags: ,

It’s Tuesday, But It Feels Like Wednesday. And Thursday.

Today feels like Tuesday, because it is. It’s also got that Wednesday swing to it, because it’s the middle workday due to Thanksgiving. It also has elements of Thursday thrown in the mix, because tomorrow will be like a Friday, even though it will be the real Wednesday. Monday also felt like Wednesday, because there were two days of work left following it. Thursday’s going to feel a lot like a Saturday, because I won’t be at work, and the day before, Wednesday, will have been like a Friday. But due to my work schedule, it will also seem like a Sunday, because I have to work on the real Friday. So then Friday is going to be like Monday and Friday at the same time. That’s messed up. As the day progresses, I’ll probably get the feel of each weekday for a little bit. Morning will be Monday, after a few hours it’s going to be like Tuesday, lunchtime will be Wednesday, as the workday nears its end it will seem like Thursday, and then when I finally leave work it will have the true Friday feel to it.

New Slang

Today I heard a guy say, “No way, those people have a pond in their backyard? That’s BEAST!

I don’t like it one bit.