
Archive for September, 2012

Maybe Barack Obama And Mitt Romney Could Combine To Form One Super-President Called Mirack Obomney

September 26, 2012 3 comments

Here’s how to make everyone in America happy after November’s election: Barack Obama and Mitt Romney can combine their powers to form the juggernaut Mirack Obomney. What about the vice president? I thought of that too. We bring in Ralph Nader and Ross Perot, who will congeal into Rolph Perader. For added enforcement, a hologram of Reagan will preside over meetings between Obomney and Perader, all while the choicest cuts from Clinton’s mid-’90s White House harem make the rounds, seeing to it that no Cuban goes unlit and no scotch glass ever empties.

Joe Mauer: “My Favorite Part Of Life In The Big Leagues Is Shower Time”

September 24, 2012 1 comment

In a recent interview conducted in Target Field’s locker room shower, Joe Mauer, Minnesota’s veritable Golden Boy, revealed that his favorite part of being in the big leagues isn’t the money, fame, or even the fact that he plays a child’s game for a living.

“It’s definitely showering,” Mauer said with a devilish grin. “Taking a nice cold post-game shower is just as important as stretching pre-game. But not too cold, this guy knows what I’m talking about!” he exclaimed as he tickled Justin Morneau under the chin as if he were a cat.

This may come as a surprise to fans, many of whom often fantasize about life as a ball player.

“Really? He said showering?” replied one morbidly obese man who faithfully attends every home game at Target Field. “A guy I used to work with told me the players get as many left-over hot dogs from the night before as they want. It seems like that would be the best part. Hold on, hey! HEY!! Well thanks a pant-load, you made me miss the cotton candy man.”

The shower, not the field, according to Mauer, is where individuals truly become a team.

“The shower is where the team really comes together. Heck, just the other day I helped Gardy scrub a couple spots on his back that he couldn’t reach. Then I reminded him to eat plenty of Kemps dairy products to keep his bones strong. I wouldn’t want him slipping and breaking a wrist in there.”

Although not prompted to, Mauer continued to wax rhapsodic about his love of showering.

“Even on an off day I’ll call a team meeting, just to get everyone together. I learned as a rookie that no one feels the need to shower after a meeting, so now I get there a couple minutes early and really crank up the heat in the conference room. Half an hour in that sucker, and all the guys are dying to strip down and run some Head and Shoulders through their sweaty hair.”

When asked about the team’s prospects for next year, Mauer had this to say: “We’ve got some really talented guys coming up. But they’ve got a lot of things to learn, like discipline and patience. I recently drove my Chevrolet down to Rochester to scout them out. A lot of these guys are only spending five, six, seven minutes showering after the game. So I got in there and educated them on what it’s like in a real big league shower environment. You know, the importance of a good, frothy lather, keeping a nice wide stance to avoid slipping, and teamwork. It always comes back to teamwork.”

At the conclusion of the interview, Mauer turned off the water, slapped a few teammates on the ass, and yelled “Last one to the towel rack has to rub everyone else dry!”

I’m Endorsing Anarchy In The 2012 Election

September 12, 2012 1 comment

This November, when I strizut over to my local voting hole, I’m seeking out every blank line that says “write-in,” and drawing one of these:

Why anarchy? On August 25, around 9:16 PM I read this quote:

“We’ve never had our injustices rectified from the top, from the president or Congress, or the Supreme Court, no matter what we learned in junior high school about how we have three branches of government, and we have checks and balances, and what a lovely system. No. The changes, important changes that we’ve had in history, have not come from those three branches of government. They have reacted to social movements.”  — Howard Zinn — historian, intelligent person

So if the throbbing masses are behind the important changes, then that would mean “The Man” is actually just “The Middle Man.”

And also, Facebook is now nothing but pictures of food and this: “Don’t vote for Obama!” “Vote for Obama!” “Don’t vote for Romney!” “Vote for Romney!” and “Don’t let corporations run the country (sent from an iPhone)!”

Vote for no one, and start posting better crap in Facebook.