Home > Music > International Women’s Day Was Yesterday

International Women’s Day Was Yesterday

Women are alright in my book. I used to live inside of one.

Yesterday was International Women’s Day, and we’re going to keep the party raging, all weekend if necessary.

These are just a few songs I’ve been listening to a lot lately. All the singers are gals.

Wild Belle—It’s Too Late. It’s reggae-y.

Little Daylight—Overdose. It’s electronic-y.

The Knife—Heartbeats

Arcade Fire—Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)

  1. March 9, 2013 at 5:04 pm

    I’m glad your extending it into the weekend, it’s sad that most people didn’t even know about it! It’s also upsetting to think that all of the accomplishments of Women can be placed in one single day, there’s no International Men’s Day.

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